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This Is For Musicians Who Really Want to Go For It.

Virtuoso is not about being the next Mozart. This is about unlocking your potential and elevating into your personal best.

It’s about commitment and devotion, and showing up every day for your music, your talent, and your joy.

It’s about receiving intense, focused mentorship -- not simply lessons -- from Sarah Gettys. This will be the only way to work with Sarah on a regular basis for the 2021-2022 academic year. There are 15 spots available.

Across my career, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work, in terms of growing your musicianship, performing, and being your personal best. The traditional model where you take lessons is adequate in the beginning stages, but later, if you are really gonna go for it, you need more. You need a higher quality of mentorship, you need to be in relationship with other musicians who can inspire you and who you can learn from, and you need more structure and support. 

That’s why I’ve put together this container, so that you will have all of the elements that you need to be the best musician possible.

If you’re ready to be all in and truly go for it, the Virtuoso mentorship program might be a fit for you.


This membership goes beyond simply taking lessons. Here’s what’s included:

  • Two 20 minute Success & Strategy Sessions, one in September and one in January, so you can discuss your goals and design a plan for reaching them

  • 30 One Hour Lessons from September-May. The one hour lessons ensure that we consistently go deep and truly build out your skills. 

  • Personalized Coaching to help you around habit-building and the discipline of practice 

  • Access to an Online Booking system so that you can schedule and reschedule lessons at your convenience (no more back & forth by phone or e-mail!)

  • 2 workshop and 2 recital Performances so that you get more experience and confidence performing live

  • 2 Masterclasses with guest teachers; one vocal and one piano, so you can get energized, inspired and stay on your learning edge

  • Mentoring through the Certificate of Merit process, including video review and theory test grading

  • Access to a vault of Music Theory and Technique Online Courses that goes live November 15, so that you can work through theory concepts on your own time and terms. 

    • You will definitely move through at least one level of theory, but access to the vault means that you can move through as many levels as you want.

    • Need to review theory concepts? All of the levels are available for review at any time.

  • Access to an intimate group of like-minded peers, united in focus and passion, where you’re going to get support and cheer each other on. Research shows that people who study in cohorts end up with more skills and success. 

    • You’ll be a member of an online meeting space. We will use Mighty Networks which is a private space (not on Facebook) that is specifically designed for communities and cohorts. 

  • Regular text messages with Quotes and Affirmations, so you stay focused and inspired 


  • Program runs from September 13-June 11

  • Mighty Networks Online Group goes live September 1

  • Online vault of music theory and technique courses goes live November 15

  • Performance Dates:

    • Fall Workshop: October 9, 2021

    • Fall Recital: December 18, 2021

    • Spring Workshop: April 23, 2022

    • Spring Recital: June 11, 2022

  • Masterclass Dates: TBD

I want you to have all of the structure, support, and tools to be the best you can possibly be, and that is what this program is designed to accomplish.


  • All ages. There might be a ten-year-old musician, and there might be an eighty-year-old musician. This is for people united in focus & passion.

  • Devotion. You’re willing to practice daily, and do the unglamorous work that truly builds your musicianship and skill, so that you can experience freedom and joy in your performances.

  • You’re obsessed. Whether you started five months ago or twenty years ago, music is one of the central joys and passions of your life. 

  • Beyond beginner skills. This program is not for total beginners, though it is designed for all skill levels. Basically what this means is that Virtuoso is not an experiment to see if you like music or not, it’s for people who have enough experience to already know that they love it and who are familiar with the level of work that is required to achieve excellence.

  • Mentorship. You don’t just want a music teacher, you want a mentor, and you are interested in receiving higher quality, more focused attention.

  • You want to uplevel. You’re on fire to elevate your skills, and you’re ready to take the leap into the next level of consistency and discipline.

In other words: Virtuoso is for you when you’re all in and ready to go for it.

Virtuoso is a more robust mentorship, and it also requires a higher level of commitment from participants.


  • Practice at least 30 mins/day, 5 days per week

  • Log your practice time & send the log each week before your lesson

  • Participate in Certificate of Merit in at least one instrument at your appropriate level, which includes completing technique & theory requirements

So if you’re ready to go all in, if you want to elevate your performance and you are devoted and committed, if you want this deeper experience with personalized coaching and goal setting, if you want to be part of a cohort and increase your chances for success, Virtuoso might be your next right step.


  • One payment of $3,500/academic year (September 13-June 11) or 10 monthly payments of $355

  • 10% family/household discount available if more than one person is enrolled in Virtuoso and/or lessons with any teacher at Sarah Gettys Music Studio

Are you in?