songwriting with susanna

8-week group classes for songwriters at all levels

taught by susanna thomson

Want to write your own songs with ideas & encouragement from an experienced songwriter and support from a small group of peers? This songwriting course is designed for creative people of all levels, whether you have completed many songs and want feedback to deepen and expand your writing, or you want to write songs but you’re not sure where to start. Everyone has something special to offer - whether you have already written songs before, or are just starting your journey as an artist. All you need is the desire to write, and a love for music.

There will be lessons each week to provide structure and inspiration, covering topics such as the basics of song structure, how to use writing devices, and the best ways to explore songwriting prompts. We will analyze songwriting styles of your favorite artists, and have collaborative discussions about music and songwriting to fill your creative cup.

You will be encouraged and have a safe space to trust your intuition, release inner criticism, and express yourself!

Susanna Thomson, songwriting Instructor

There is no one “right” way to approach songwriting - it is one of the beautiful things about the art form that makes it so fascinating! By creating a toolkit of writing devices and prompts, analyzing the work of songwriters you love in group discussions, and having a supportive space to share works in progress with peers, you will have the opportunity in this course to develop your own unique voice as a songwriter.

what we’ll be up to…

songwriting basics

  • Learn how to define different parts of a song and their purpose

  • Delve into examples by great songwriters to gain understanding and inspiration

  • Explore the relationship between melody, lyrics, and the musical progression of a song, and how they are used to create emotional response

writing lyrics

  • Expand your lyrical skills by building a toolkit of different writing mechanisms

  • Discover inspiration and ways to find seeds for new songs through writing exercises

  • Practice choosing words based on sound and feel in relationship to each other, as a way to tie lyrics to melody

  • Learn how to analyze and take lessons from the work of your favorite artists to make your own writing stronger


  • Learn how to identify the intention of a song

  • Through both free writing and editing, learn how to wield techniques discussed in this course to artfully express yourself while trusting your instinct

  • Write using exercises that will help you to reach outside of your comfort zone, give voice to different inner selves, and release inner criticism

In-person classes, 2 groups (one for teens and one for adults): Thursday afternoons/evenings, starting mid-to-late March, time TBD depending on interest form

Online classes: Indicate your preference for an online course on the interest form below, and we will be in touch regarding a day/time

TUITION: $320 (for 8 weeks of 1 hr classes in small groups, 2-4 songwriters per class)

To sign up, please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch to confirm class days & times. Thank you!

Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.