The Joy of Singing
a day-long retreat for vocalists
For me, singing is the #1 way that I reconnect with feeling joyful, relaxed, and energized, especially when I am part of a group of people making music.
No matter what holiday you celebrate, this is a season of joy, celebration, and connection, and singing is one of the best ways that I know how to embody those qualities (even when I'm feeling too busy or tired). The Joy of Singing retreat is an invitation to slow down and give yourself the gift of doing something fun while growing your musicianship in a relaxing and supportive environment.
I created this retreat with two main intentions for our time together:
Intention 1: To create space for you to release stress, relax, and experience the joy of singing together.
As a voice teacher, I talk to people all the time who enjoy singing but feel embarrassed to sing in front of others. This retreat will be a safe, supportive container for you to show up, be yourself, and have fun singing. (Also, there will be opportunities to sing by yourself in front of the group if you want to; but it's not required.)
On stress & relaxation:
Singing is an embodied activity--your body is your instrument. It's impossible to sing well and be gripped by tension at the same time, especially in areas where we tend to hold a lot of tension, such as the neck, jaw, and upper shoulders. Along with emotional and spiritual benefits, singing has profound physical benefits because of the level of breath control and release of tension that is required.
Intention 2: To teach my top vocal techniques in a concise and comprehensive way so that you feel more confidence and freedom in your singing.
For the person who is just starting to sing, the overview will be a great introduction to developing your vocal technique. Most people think that the ability to sing is a natural talent--something that you either have or you don't. It's true that some people are born incredibly gifted, and it's also true that even the incredibly gifted people spend time developing their craft and honing their abilities. There is a lot that you can learn about singing, and many simple exercises that will open your voice.
For the more experienced singer, and for people who are currently studying voice with me, the overview will be a great opportunity to get a clearer picture of the overall development of your vocal technique. With the longer time that we will have together in the retreat setting, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how the techniques that we practice in weekly lessons fit together.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
10 AM-4 PM
Location: at a beautiful yoga training center in Los Altos, CA
(address given upon registration, see photo above)
Tuition: $175, early bird rate $150 by 11/24
for adults and grades 6-12
I hope you'll share your voice with us!
Register by clicking the button below, then add the retreat to your shopping cart & check out. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.